Stunning Artificial Wedding Bouquets of Roses with Calla Lily – Bridesmaids Bouquets
These beautiful small bouquets are the ideal size for your adult bridesmaids, matron of honour or even the bride-to-be herself. A gorgeous design which is handmade to order in the flower colours you choose. With roses, calla lily, coloured gypsophila and eucalyptus, these pretty posies will wow your wedding guests, delight your bridesmaids & be a lasting memento of your special day for years to come!
- Handmade to-order medium bouquets – approx 9″ diameter
- Pick each element of this beautiful bouquet
- Choose which rose colours you would like us to use – pick upto 3 different colours
- Decide on the calla lily colour – we have some lovely shades!
- You get to pick which coloured gypsophila (aka baby breath) we add into the design
- The handle is part wrapped in keeping with the natural look of this beautiful bouquet
- Of course, you get to choose which ribbon colour we use for the handle and bows
The example in the photo shows white calla lily, vintage pink and pink blush roses, baby pink gyp
Rose Colour Chart