Stunning Wedding Bouquet – Faux Roses, Lily of the Valley, Calla Lily & Eucalyptus
A beautiful bride’s bouquet of artificial flowers featuring your chosen coloured lily of the valley faux roses & calla lily with realistic eucalyptus foliage. With roses available in over 60 different shades, you get to pick up to 3 different colours, there are lots of lovely shades for the calla liy to pick from & the lily of the valley is available in blush, dusky pink or off white – of course you get to pick the ribbon colour too! The Photo shows the bouquet in off white calla & lily of the valley with peach roses & white ribbon
- Wedding Bouquet of artificial flowers
- Handmade to order
- Brides size bouquet, approx 14″ diameter
- Choose up to 3 different rose shades to match your wedding theme
- Decide which lovely calla lily colour you would like us to include
- Pick which coloured lily of the valley you would like us to use
- Natural-looking, a stunning artificial flower bouquet you can cherish forever
- Decide if you would like diamante or seed pearls added to each rose (we don’t charge extra for this
- Handle is part wrapped and finished with ribbon and bows in your chosen shade