Bridal Bouquets – Emerald Green & Ivory/white Rose Wedding Flowers Celtic


Bridal Bouquet – Emerald Green Rose Wedding Flowers

Faux rose brides size bouquets of colorfast emerald green roses with your choice of white or ivory accent roses. Handmade-to-order and fully personalised artificial wedding flowers


Bridal Bouquet – Emerald Green Rose Wedding Flowers

Faux rose brides size bouquets of colourfast emerald green roses with your choice of white or ivory accent roses. Handmade to order and fully personalised artificial wedding flowers

  • Brides size bouquet approx 10″ diameter
  • Handmade to order
  • Choice of white or ivory accent roses
  • Diamante or pearl centers can be added at no extra cost
  • Handle can be finished in the fully ribbon-wrapped chunky style
  • You get to choose the ribbon shade for the handle and bows


Most of our made-to-order ranges can be created in the same emerald green roses so why not mix and match between our designs to create your own bespoke collection?