Artificial Wedding Bouquets – Bridesmaid Flowers – Forget Me Not & Roses
Stunning faux wedding bouquet of roses with blue forget-me-nots.The perfect size for your adult bridesmaid, matron of honor or even the bride looking to keep the cost of her wedding flowers low. These pretty posies are handmade to order & created in the rose shades that suit your wedding colour scheme.
- Bridesmaid size artificial bouquets – approx 10″ diameter
- Handmade to order
- Choose up to 3 different rose shades (we have lots to pick from!) photo shows ivory
- If liked, you can have diamante or seed pearl centres added to the middle of each rose, we don’t charge extra for these
- The handle on your pretty posy will be slender and easy to hold
- The handle is either fully wrapped or hand-tied style with natural look stems showing
- Of course, you get to pick the ribbon colour
- Your bouquet will be completed with ribbon bows that will nestle beneath the faux blooms