Bridesmaid Bouquets of Faux Roses & Rose Buds with Foliage & Baby Breath
Stunning, handmade to-order bridal bouquets. perfect for your bridesmaids, matron of honour, petite bride or even to use as a toss posy! . You get to choose the flower colours, embellishments and ribbon shades, meaning we create a truly bespoke bouquet just for you!
- Bridesmaid size bouquets of artificial flowers – posy approx 8″ diameter
- Handmade to order with faux roses and rosebuds, foliage and baby breath
- Choose up to 3 different flower colours
- Decide if you would like diamante or seed pearl centres – we dont charge extra for these
- The handle is your choice of fully ribbon-wrapped or natural look with realistic stems showing
- You of course get to choose the ribbon shade we use for the handle and bows
- Beautiful bouquets of artificial roses to treasure for years to come