Flower Girl Bouquet of Royal Blue & Light Blue Roses with White Gyp
Bespoke junior bridesmaid size bouquet of artificial roses mixed with masses of white faux gyp. Royal Blue and Light blue roses with your choice of white or ivory as the accent rose.
- Child’s size posy – which is approx 5″ in diameter – also perfect for the petite bride
- Handmade to order and realistic looking – personalised to the colours you choose
- Diamante or seed pearls to the centre of the roses are included free of charge.
- Further, chargeable embellishments can be added should you like a fancier brides bouquet
- The handle will be slender and fully wrapped in the satin ribbon in your chosen colour
- the bouquet will then be completed with matching bows.
Matching items are available & this design is available to be created in 1000s of other colour combinations – check out the SOPHIE COLLECTION