Bridesmaid Bouquets – Ice Lilac Rose Wedding Posy – Faux Rose


Artificial Wedding Bouquet of Roses – Ice Lilac Wedding Flowers – Bridesmaids Bouquets

Beautiful faux rose bridesmaid size posy of ice lilac faux roses, handmade to order, you get to choose each element of this beautiful design!

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Artificial Wedding Bouquet of Roses – Ice Lilac Wedding Flowers – Bridesmaids Bouquets

Beautiful faux rose bridesmaid size posy of ice lilac faux roses, handmade to order, you get to choose each element of this beautiful design!

  • Bridesmaid size bouquet – approx 8″ diameter
  • Each of the roses can, at no additional cost, have a diamante or seed pearl centre
  • You then personalise the design further by deciding if you would like further embellishment(s) there is a small fee for these
  • Your bouquet handle will be slender and fully wrapped
  • Choose the ribbon that will be used to wrap the handle and which we will create the bows from
  • Matching bows will nestle beneath the fake flowers finishing the bouquet of perfectly

Love this colour combo? Any of our made to order designs can be created in pretty ice lilac

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Weight 0.00000000 kg

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