Bridesmaid Bouquets – Orange Peach Rose & Gypsophila Wedding Flowers


Artificial Rose & Gypsophila Bridesmaid Size Bouquets of Orange & Peach Roses

Pretty bridesmaid-size bouquets of artificial roses in orange and peach with white gypsophila. One of our best-selling wedding flower designs, these natural-looking faux rose posies are handmade to order and the perfect size for adult bridesmaids, matron of honour or even the bride to be herself

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Artificial Rose & Gypsophila Bridesmaid Size Bouquets of Orange & Peach Roses

Pretty bridesmaid-size bouquets of artificial roses in orange and peach with white gypsophila. One of our best-selling wedding flower designs, these natural-looking faux rose posies are handmade to order and the perfect size for adult bridesmaids, matron of honour or even the bride to be herself

  • Bridesmaid size posy style bouquet – approx 8″ diameter
  • Perfect size for adult bridesmaids,matron of honour, petite bride or those on a budget
  • Choose which neutral rose colour you would like us to add into the bouquet
  • Decide if you would like diamante or seed pearl centres to the roses
  • Further embellishments can be included in this handmade bouquet should you wish
  • The handle can be either slender and fully wrapped or part wrapped with the base of the stems showing
  • Choose the ribbon you would like us to use on the handle and bows

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Weight 0.00000000 kg

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