Artificial Wedding Bouquets – Sunflowers & Any Colour Roses With Eucalyptus


Brides Sunflower Wedding Bouquet – Artificial Bridal Flower Bouquets

Beautiful bride-size bouquets of cheerful artificial sunflowers mixed with baby breath (aka gyp) eucalyptus and the coloured faux roses you choose! These lovely bridal bouquets are a great choice for your wedding day regardless of the season you are tying the knot – choosing artificial wedding flowers means you can have sunflowers year-round!

The bouquet in the main photograph shows the design created with aqua & turquoise roses

You can choose UP TO 3 different colours, it doesn’t matter which order you choose the shades.


Brides Sunflower Wedding Bouquet – Artificial Bridal Flower Bouquets

Beautiful bride-size bouquets of cheerful artificial sunflowers mixed with baby breath (aka gyp) eucalyptus and the coloured faux roses you choose! These lovely bridal bouquets are a great choice for your wedding day regardless of the season you are tying the knot – choosing artificial wedding flowers means you can have sunflowers year-round!

The beautiful bouquet in the main photo shows the design created with aqua and turquoise roses

  • Handmade to order brides size bouquet – approx 13″ diameter
  • Bright cheerful sunflowers are perfect for your wedding day no matter what time of year!
  • Pick the rose colours you would like us to use in your bouquet,
  • We have over 60 rose colours to choose from and we ask you to choose a maximum of 3 different colours
  • We can add diamante or seed pearl centres to the middle of each rose at no extra cost
  • The handle can be fully ribbon wrapped or part wrapped with natural look stems showing
  • You get to decide which ribbon colour we use on the handle (we have a range of tartans too!)
  • The bouquet will be competed with matching bows
Colour Chart Order Samples

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