Artificial Wedding Flower Bouquets – Coral & Peach Colour Roses, Lily Valley – Bridesmaids Bouquet


Artificial Lily of the Valley & Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet – Coral Colour Roses

Bridesmaid size posy (also perfect for the petite bride). Artificial flower bouquets featuring beautiful coral and peach coloured roses, lily of the valley and your chosen filler flower. A stunning, bright bouquet which will wow on your wedding day and be yours to treasure for years to come

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Artificial Lily of the Valley & Rose Bridesmaid Bouquet – Coral Colour Roses

Bridesmaid size posy (also perfect for the petite bride). Artificial flower bouquets featuring beautiful coral and peach coloured roses, lily of the valley and your chosen filler flower. A stunning, bright bouquet which will wow on your wedding day and be yours to treasure for years to come

  • Danielle Collection bridesmaid size bouquet – approx 9″ diameter
  • Handmade to order
  • Choose which neutral rose colour you would like us to add into your bouquet
  • We will create a beautiful bouquet with artificial lily of the valley & your choice of white gyp or coloured hydrangea
  • Diamante or pearl centres can be added to the roses at no extra cost
  • Further embellishments can be included for a small extra cost
  • The handle can be fully wrapped or part wrapped with stems showing
  • Of course, you get to choose the ribbon colour for the handle and bows

These bouquets are made to order, please bear this in mind and allow us plenty of time before your wedding to create something beautiful for you

The Danielle range is our best selling collection, an artificial faux flower range which over the years we have replicated in so many different colour combinations we have lost count!

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Weight 0.00000000 kg

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