Bridesmaid Bouquets – Mocha Pink Rose – White/ivory With Rose Gold Wedding Flowers


Rose Gold Themed Wedding Bouquets – Mocha Pink Bridesmaids Size Bouquet

These medium-sized bridesmaid bouquets are perfect for your rose gold-themed wedding. They are handmade to order from high-quality faux flowers and feature pretty mocha pink roses that complement a rose gold theme wonderfully. You get to choose the rose shade that you prefer to complement the mocha (also known as rose gold) roses.

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Rose Gold Themed Wedding Bouquets – Mocha Pink Bridesmaids Size Bouquet

These medium-sized bridesmaid bouquets are perfect for your rose gold-themed wedding. They are handmade to order from high-quality faux flowers and feature pretty mocha pink roses that complement a rose gold theme wonderfully. You get to choose the rose shade that you prefer to complement the mocha (also known as rose gold) roses.

  • Bridesmaids size bouquets – approx 8″ diameter
  • Handmade to order
  • Choose one of our stunning rose shades for the main body of the bouquet
  • Diamante or seed pearl centres can be added at no extra cost
  • The handle is slender and easy to hold
  • You choose the ribbon colour for the handle and bows

Additional information

Weight 0.00000000 kg