Artificial Rose Wedding Bouquet – Purple Themed Faux Bridal Flowers
Cadburys purple has been hugely popular with our customers for several years and this lovely bridal design shows them off to perfection!
- Brides size bouquet – approx 10″ diameter
- Handmade to order
- Choose between white or ivory roses as the main colour of your bouquet (or a glittered version of these)
- Decide if you would like diamante or pearls added to the centre of each rose
- Further, chargeable embellishments can be included if you would like a fancier bouquet
- The handle can be finished with either chunky fully wrapped style or stems showing part wrap
- You get to decide on the ribbon colour we finish the bouquet with of course!
Love this design but would like other colours ‘ we have this available in 100s of other colour combos
Why not mix and match between our ranges to build your own unique collection?