Any Colour Artificial Wedding Bouquets – Bridal Bouquet – Roses, Eucalyptus & Heather


Artificial Heather & Rose Wedding Bouquets – Bridal Bouquet – Any Colours

These beautiful bouquets are ideal for the bride-to-be and her Scottish Wedding! With gorgeous sprigs of heather in lilac/purple, dusky pink or cream, your bouquet will feature the rose & ribbon colours you choose along with eucalyptus and baby breath!  a pretty bouquet that will be a treasured keepsake of your wedding day for years to come

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You can choose UP TO 3 different colours, it doesn’t matter which order you choose the shades.


Artificial Heather & Rose Wedding Bouquets – Bridal Bouquet – Any Colours

These beautiful bouquets are ideal for the bride-to-be and her Scottish Wedding! With gorgeous sprigs of heather in lilac/purple, dusky pink or cream, your bouquet will feature the rose & ribbon colours you choose along with eucalyptus and baby breath!  a pretty bouquet that will be a treasured keepsake of your wedding day for years to come

The main photo shows the bouquet with dusky lilac, iced lavender and ivory roses along with lilac/purple heather

  • Brides size bouquets – approx 12″ diameter
  • Handmade to order
  • Choose which rose colours you would like us to use – upto 3 different shade
  • We have lilac/purple, dusky pink or cream heather available – you decide which!
  • You can have diamante or seed pearl centres added to the middle of each rose
  • The handle can either be chunky and fully ribbon wrapped or if you prefer, hand-tied style with stems showing
  • Of course, you get to pick which ribbon shade we use for the handle and bows too!



Colour Chart SAMPLES



Additional information

Weight 0.00000000 kg

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