Artificial Wedding Bouquet of Faux Flowers – Wild Sea Thistles Roses, Lily of the Valley & Eucalyptus
This simply stunning flower girl bouquet design is created to order from high-quality faux flowers and foliage. Handmade using the rose and ribbon colours of your choice, these beautiful, Flower girl size bouquets feature blue wild sea thistles, any 3 different coloured roses and lily of the valley with lots of frosted green eucalyptus. A natural-looking, boho-style bouquet which will wow on your wedding day and be yours to treasure for years to come!
- Junior Bridesmaid size bouquet – approx 7″ diameter
- Handmade to order
- Pick up to 3 different rose colours
- With Lily of the Valley in either off white, blush pink or dusky pink
- Diamante or seed pearl centres can be added to the middle of each rose
- Handle is in keeping with the natural look of this lovely design, hand-tied with realistic stems showing
- The ribbon on the handle is again your choice, we have plain, tartans and even rainbow available!
- Your beautiful, bespoke bouquet is finished with pretty bows
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